News, Reviews

Dream #12

A truly uplifting blog that had me chuckling by his second paragraph and enlightened by the last. Jay Patrick is a blogger with a mission: to stop the internalization of dreams by creating a public space where people can be proud and announce their dreams! Jay created his website, his “vessel of dreams” in order to encourage people into having dreams, maintaining them and striving towards them without fear. He writes,

“This blog will not be about me, but about you. I want this website to be a vessel of dreams, of goals, of the most sincerely and personal beliefs that you think you can achieve. One of the many outcomes of society not supporting our dreamers is that people are beginning to internalize their dreams. People are afraid to tell others what their dreams are. That is how dreams die. If you never express you dream, it dies with you.”

Jay asks people to send him an email about their dream, posting it anonymous if they’d like. The snippet above is one the dreams he has on the site, a particular favourite of mine.

If you want to re-solidify your dream, send him an email at

Or visit his website at:
